This post is long overdue, our new senate elects from our AGM in August 2020 are: Sean, Peter and Michèle!
This years Senate executive are as follows: Carol Leblond as President, Katie Helgason as Vice President, Jess Lewis as Secretary and Albert Sousa as Treasurer.
Keycon 2022/39 Chairs has been selected, congratulations to Léamber Kensley and Linda Ross-Mansfield!
WinSFA met on January 17th via Google Meet. General financial business was discussed. Senate dues required by January 31st, 2021.
Keycon 2021 gave their report, details to be released by Keycon 2021 Convention chairs to the public once discussions with their team have occured.
The future of Keycon was discussed, including the convention’s image, loss of attendees, stagnation, etc. It was agreed that Keycon may need re-tooling/re-branding/refreshing for the future and there may be ways in which we can evolve and work to better our public image. Re-tooling is the term that was chosen to go with. A sub committee with members Sean E, Katie H, Léamber K and Amanda B was created to focus on the re-tooling of Keycon. Sean S to head Re-tooling Committee, first report due March Meeting.
It was agreed on that Senate and Keycon should be more open. Was recommended to have an open Zoom meeting for Senate to get outside opinions. Discussed that community outreach needs to be improved.
All sub committees are due to report in February meeting and will be added to the minutes. There was a brief discussion about a Virtual Broadcasting System for Senate/Keycon use, deferred to February minutes until all had a chance to go over proposal.
Grants related to the Covid-19 pandemic were discussed, we did not qualify for the one that was suggested earlier. Safe at Home grant for free Virtual Content was brought up, it was agreed that this is an avenue the Keycon would need to look into and not Senate.
The Fighting Community has a very modern code of conduct and it was suggested that we look at it and look into possibly updating the current code of conduct to be more modern. To be discussed in a future meeting, or included on the re-tooling team’s docket.
Next Meeting to occur February 21st at 1pm, virtually.
Website updates, added current WinSFA projects and Sub Committees.