Our most recent Senate meeting was fruitful: We laid out the groundwork for training volunteers with a basic script for helping those who come to them with trauma.
We also received a progress report from the chairs of Keycon 36 and 37; with the convention so close, this is a last minute check if there’s anything WinSFA can do to assist last minute.
The subcommittee for the Standard Operating Procedures gave a report; they are having a Q&A at Keycon 36, followed by a June meeting. Progress is ongoing, with contracts getting sorted as a higher priority due to the imminent event. The hope is to have a full first draft before 2020.
We held a discussion regarding long-term members of the convention, if there was something to be done to celebrate their continued support over many years. That one is an ongoing discussion.
The very next day after the meeting, members of WinSFA, the current Keycon con com, and additional members of the community participated in a workshop with Rainbow Resource Centre. LGBT2SQ+ Inclusivity and Allyship. It was a wonderful experience, and prompted heartfelt and frank discussions, and near immediate changes to the convention’s Code of Conduct and membership badges. I for one hope to continue this kind of workshop training as members of the senate shift, and new convention chairs step into their roles.
Speaking of, if you reading this are interested in running a convention, applications are still being accepted for 2021 (Keycon 38)! E-mail bids@winsfa.org with your intention to run, with at least one other co-chair name, and some contact information, to get started.